Bright and early yesterday morning I was sitting in my studio, checking my email, when a movement to my right made me stop and pay attention. I was absolutely thrilled to realize that I had visitors. Three beautiful deer were contentedly munching grass in our side yard. Thankfully I had my camera close by and got a few photos. I just had to share them. These gorgeous creatures touch my heart with their graceful and elegant movements. I felt so blessed to witness their interaction for just a little while. After a long few moments something spooked the trio and I thought it was me until I realized our 'yard dog', Willa had been sleeping right beneath my window and had just taken notice of the deer. The photos below make clear what became of my nature viewing at that point.
It was a most serene moment while it lasted. By the way, Willa is quite harmless, she simply finds pleasure in making a fuss about strangers of any sort. Obviously she did not make much of an impression on my new found friends because two of them showed up again this afternoon. This pair is a momma doe with her fawn. She is quite large for a female and the most amazing thing to watch. I am planning to get them some feed to put out to help them along. We can make sure they are not shot at while here with us but there are no guarantees once they leave our property so I plan to try to keep them close.
Just gorgeous!
I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. Sending love to y'all.
Until next time...